Saturday, April 27, 2019

Switching from Blogger to WordPress?

I am so sorry for the lack of updates for my blogs. Earlier this year, something changed in the settings of Blogger (Google’s blogging platform) that messed up it’s connection with Open Live Writer, the blogging software.
Open Live Writer is the open-source successor to Microsoft’s Windows Live Writer. It’s a software designed for bloggers that makes blogging easier. Open Live Writer downloads the format of your Blogger, WordPress or other platform and makes it easier to format the text and attach pictures to have a uniform look, for consistency of design.
Since the beginning of January, a lot of bloggers have been waiting for a solution from Google and from the Open Live Writer team for a fix to the issue (Error 400) but to no avail. Open Live Writer continues to work perfectly with the WordPress platform so it’s indeed something to do with Google (makers of Blogger and Google Photos which is somehow involved in the mess up).
Several bloggers are looped-in to the discussion on how to fix this issue and we’re still hoping for a fix. For some, it seems that the only solution would be to switch to WordPress. It’s sad because Blogger is easier to use and to attach several HTML scripts for ads and other apps.

I’ll probably switch to WordPress for the meantime but still hoping that Google will keep the Blogger platform alive for bloggers. After all, blogging is still not dead. Or is it?
You can check the status of this Error 400 in the following thread:
Error 400 - The Remote server returned an error #786
The message on Open Live Writer when you try to publish an article (with pictures) on Blogger is: The remote server returned an error: {400) Bad Request.

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